The Importance Of Healthy Drinks

Importance of Health Drinks in day to day life Health is our primary focus and the main ingredient for being healthy is a balanced diet. We usually focus on the food that we eat and easily ignore the quality of the fluids that we choose to intake. It can be easy to drink sugar all day. One who strives for health balance must give a serious consideration to the drinks they choose in their daily routine.

Balanced diet is a well planned diet which aims to cover the basic needs of our body.

Beside food fluids also plays a vital role in our diet and our lives. An individual cannot expect to stay healthy by just depending upon the food intake. We usually forget the fact that our body is made up of 60% fluids and therefore one cannot ignore the role that various drinks play in our lives.

When assessing the intake of fluids one may firstly give higher consideration to water as naturally water is said to be one of the best means to quench an individual’s thirst however beside water there are ample number of drinks which not only quench our thirst but are also power packed with many health benefits.

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  1. Green tea: Green tea is considered to be one of the healthiest tea as it is loaded with anti oxidants and nutrients which have powerful impact on our body. The presence of natural chemicals such as Polyphenols present in the tea provides us with anti –inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic effects.
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  2. Orange juice: Orange juice is said to be the finest source of folate and potassium. Orange juice prevents cancer, boosts immunity, detoxifies the body supports blood circulation, reduces high blood pressure, supports in liver health, and prevents kidney stones and so forth.
  3. Lemon Juice: Being a rich source of vitamin C, consuming lemon juice with warm water every morning helps in maintaining the pH balance of the body. It promotes hydration, improves skin’s quality, supports weight loss and aids in digestion, etc.
  4. Pomegranate Juice: Pomegranate juice is packed with abundance of antioxidants. When compared with other fruit juices, Pomegranate juice not only helps in removing radicals, but also guard cells from damages, it also aids in reducing inflammation in the body. In addition to all these health benefits it is enriched with vitamin C and vitamin E, is a good source of folate , potassium, and vitamin K.
  5. Beet Juice: The significant benefits of drinking beet juice are that it helps in reducing the blood pressure, aids in widening and relaxing the blood vessels, boosts Phytonutrients levels, enhance the skin and also treats cancer.
  6. Ginger Tea: Ginger tea is used as a traditional remedy for aiding the digestive system. It is used as over the counter medicine for preventing stomach problems and is most famed for prevention of nausea.

Works cited

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Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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The Importance Of Healthy Drinks. (2024, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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