Essays on The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Picture of Dorian Gray
Original title The Picture of Dorian Gray
Author Oscar Wilde

Decadent Literature

Language English
Characters Dorian Gray, Basil Hallward, Lord Henry Wotton, Sibyl Vane, James Vane, Mrs Vane, Alan Campbell, Victor, Mrs Leaf
Published 1890 Lippincott's Monthly Magazine
ISBN 978-0-486-27804-2
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a novel by Oscar Wilde that tells the story of Dorian Gray, a young man who sells his soul for eternal youth and beauty. As he remains young and handsome, the ugly portrait of him that he keeps hidden away ages and becomes increasingly grotesque. Eventually, Dorian’s crimes catch up with him and he is confronted with the ugly reality of his life.

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