Why Mental Health Awareness Is Important

Mental health is an important component of human health. This is primarily due to the fact that the human body, in which all the elements are interconnected with each other and act on each other, is largely controlled by the nervous system, so the mental state affects the functioning of each of the functional systems, and the state of the latter, in in turn, affects the psyche.

Mental health should be characterized by:

• Lack of mental or psychosomatic illnesses.

• Normal age development of the psyche.

• Favorable (normal) functional state.

A favorable mental state is considered as a set of characteristics and functions corresponding to the age norm and ensuring the effective fulfillment by a person of the tasks facing him in various spheres of life.

For the human psyche, especially for the developing one (in a child), a connection between a changing genetic program and a plastic medium (especially social) is characteristic. Therefore, the norm of mental health is determined very difficultly, mainly qualitatively, and the boundary between illness and health is blurred in some cases.

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That is why borderline conditions are much more characteristic of the nervous system than other organs and systems. This is especially significant when performing this or that work, accompanied by mental stress. This tension is the physiological “price” that the body pays for the implementation of activities. The same level of performance in different people is provided at the cost of unequal efforts, which is especially noticeable in children.

Determining the health norm of the intellectual-mental sphere is a rather complicated task, which is due to the great flexibility of the functional characteristics of the nervous system and the complex dynamics of the brain-environment relationship.

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In practice, the task can be solved by a complex biomedical and psychological examination, and only a specialist can make a final conclusion, and in the field of mental health - a comparison of the opinions of several expert experts in the field of neurology, psychiatry, psychoneurology, psychology, psychoanalysis. But for the current assessment of mental health, self-monitoring of their condition, each person can use some simple tricks that do not require special equipment and special knowledge.

The undoubted criterion of mental health is the fullness of sleep as an important component of human life.

One of the leading indicators of the functional state of the psyche is mental performance, which integrates the basic characteristics of the psyche - perception, attention, memory, etc. Its high level is one of the main indicators of mental health and the functional state of the body as a whole. A decrease in mental performance is an important sign of deterioration in mental health. It is accompanied by an increase in the number of errors (decreased attention), difficulty concentrating on a task (decreased concentration of attention), lethargy, apathy, loss of interest in work or study. If a decrease in working capacity is combined with vegetative changes (increased or decreased heart rate, increased sweating, etc.), headaches, psychosomatic disorders (pain and discomfort in various areas of the body, in the stomach,

Mental health promotion is the task of the whole society and each individual. The solution to this problem is impossible without a deep knowledge of the essence of the human psyche, the individual characteristics of its organization, an understanding of the value of each individuality, its uniqueness. It is necessary to teach this and, on the basis of relevant knowledge, to form skills for managing one’s mental state, strengthening one’s health, and unlocking the person’s reserve capabilities.

The human psyche is an unusually plastic phenomenon. Knowing the individual characteristics of the psyche of a given person, it is possible to build educational and educational processes in such a way as to not only ensure a high level of mental health, but also enable a person to exercise healthy and purposefully organized control over his psyche, develop it in the right, most interesting direction, and achieve this basis of outstanding achievements. However, the use of certain means and methods of training and organizing the psyche should be based solely on the basis of an individual approach, a comprehensive and in-depth study of all psychological and socio-psychological characteristics of a person. Therefore, the special attention of the family, educational institution and the person himself should be directed to the knowledge of these features, their age dynamics, sexual characteristics, dominant congenital and acquired needs. Only on this basis can we organize an appropriate educational environment and create a truly healthy lifestyle. Undoubtedly, this will help the person himself to better known himself and optimally organize his lifestyle, based on a solid psychological setup.

A huge role in the formation of a healthy psyche can and should be played by the family. The psyche of the child begins to be laid in the womb. From the psychological situation around the future mother, her emotional state depends on the formation of the psyche of the child. And in the future, after the birth of the child, not only the individual characteristics of the child, but also how fully he will be able to realize his potential in the course of his development, depend on how they treat him in the family, whether he feels comfortable, protected, genetic prerequisites laid down in it by nature. The genotype of each person is unique in its own way. The future, his mental health, largely depend on how the environment and upbringing are adequate to the natural characteristics of a person.

Especially important is the knowledge of the individual typological features of the psyche in the organization of educational activities of a student. Unfortunately, most often directly in the implementation of the educational process, the teacher uses generally accepted approaches that are focused on the “average” student, and the average in academic performance, and not in characterological features, a significant part of which is genetically determined and does not change throughout a person’s life (although can be adjusted to some extent by targeted education and training). A typical example is the performance of test work in the exact disciplines, when the condition for obtaining a high mark is to complete as many tasks as possible. However, this does not take into account that the speed of inclusion in work and switching to other types of work in children with different types of temperament is not the same: under such conditions as a fish, choleric feels in water, but phlegmatic conditions are difficult in a limited time frame. As a result, the first comes to the conclusion that in order to get a high mark, there is no need for purposeful daily work, and the phlegmatic, who, other things being equal, is characterized by an exclusively responsible attitude to the assigned work, concludes that all his efforts are in vain.

The existence of school standards and physical education gives the same result - having a genetically determined low growth and an unfavourable constitution of the body is initially doomed not to fulfil certain types of them, and a student who has inherited high growth is convinced that he should not be engaged in his physical development, because he will succeed. That is, in the end, both come to the conclusion that in training, the role of their own responsibility is small.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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Why Mental Health Awareness Is Important. (2024, Feb 07). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-mental-health-awareness-is-important-essay

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